MestReNova LITE versions

Control and optimize the conduct of 1D experiments
Aug 4, 2014
Jul 16, 2012
Jul 5, 2010

What's new

v9.0 [Feb 8, 2014]
- Absolute Reference can be reported in the spectrum title or in parameters table.
- Ability to choose from the properties the number of decimals used for J coupling and chemical shift values in the multiplet boxes.
- Multiopen script remembers the latest 10 path masks.
Bug fixes:
- Shortcuts stopped working.
- Very hard to tick or un-tick in the Stacked Spectra Table.
- Not possible to adjust manually Primary Tics of horizontal scale.
- Problems loading a document with NMR and MS spectra without active license of NMR and MS.
- Intensities changed after referencing several spectra in a stack.
- Problems referencing with Auto Tune.
- Annotation added when referencing displayed in a wrong position.
- Normalization by Peak did not work well after referencing a spectrum.
- Group Delay is lost after applying Enhanced Correction.
- Absolute Referencing did not force assignments to be recalculated.
- Wrong result after applying baseline correction on a JEOL spectrum.
- Some of the traces in a processed DEPT showed blank after applying an apodization.
- Auto Assignments did not work with 1D-NOESY experiments.
- Problems reporting multiplets labelled with shift as NAN.
- Problems undoing PCA.
- Absolute Reference in a layout template did not get applied when loading a NMR file.
- The multiplet report parser did not parse the leading minus sign of shifts.
- Problems loading a HOESY experiment over a layout template with only 10 points in LP.
- Sine II and Squared Sine II apodization functions were not correctly transformed to Mnova’s.
- Merged peaks in a 2D spectrum resulted in a peak not centered between the two original peaks.
- Multiplet Report to Spectrum failed to parse a range.
- Procpar parameters showed wrong when customizing Parameters table.
- Oxford Instruments spectrum processed.

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